Monday, March 21, 2016


A 14 tire U surrounding a mixture of layered horse manure, wood chips, goat lot cleaning, straw, small branches, pine cones...and the chickens are making their contribution as well...
When the pile is finished, we'll close it with 6 more tires, stacked 2 high...then it will be time to fill the tires with soil! :)
Ordered 12.5 pounds of seed potatoes. When we piece them out we should have 50 2 Oz pieces. We will plant 2-3 per tire stack and go from there! :)

Saturday, March 5, 2016

New nest

There are 3 nests in it...
39 1/2" long, 12" deep, 20 1/2" tall in the back, sloping to 18" in the front. Need to redo the top...forgot to go from bottom to top-not that it needs to shed rain inside the chicken coop... :)
Made from saw mill slabs...