Saturday, October 17, 2015


Made a batch of mozzarella, a batch of cottage cheese, and a batch of ricotta cheese today.
Used the ricotta and mozzarella  in some lasagna...can't wait to try it! :)

Saturday, September 26, 2015

Homemade Honey Shampoo

I love my homemade honey shampoo...

3/4 c honey
3/4 c castile soap
1/4 c apple cider vinegar
10 drops Rosemary EO
10 drops Cedarwood EO
10 drops Peppermint EO
10 drops Lavendar EO

Stir all of that together. I then dilute it 1:1 with water. This is a runny shampoo, and it doesn't get really sudsy. My scalp feels so fresh and my hair feels clean and it is relaxed and not coated with gunk.

I've just spent the last couple months or so using store bought shampoo and it always makes my hair just frizzy and tangled and I need to use product if I want it to hold any of its curl or wave-which just leads to more frizzy and just frumpy looking hair...

Tuesday, September 8, 2015


Have a batch of Derby cheese that I put to age on Sunday. Have started a batch of chevre.

Tuesday, August 11, 2015


Chicks showed up today! Not ready AT ALL for them...but that is how things have worked this summer. We ordered Rhode Island Reds, Pioneers, Black Australorps, and Araucana chicks. We've raised all of these breeds before, except for the Pioneers. Only ordered two dozen this time. But we have a broody hen setting on another dozen. And we will keep at least one rooster out of the Pioneers, so we won't have to order chicks for a while.

We have turkey chicks too-we are down to only 9 of them though...gosh they seem to like to die... :( Started out with 15. They are about 2 weeks old now, so hopefully we are past the worst of it.

We picked up 7 ducks the end of May. 6 Mallards and one Pekin duck. They were about a month old when I got them-so they are about 3 1/2 months old now.
Our pigs are coming along well. Tripp and I went over to Judith Gap and got 3 feeder pigs June 3rd. They fit in our dog kennel, like three sardines, so were about 30 pounds. We make nightly trips out to Roundup-living only 4 miles from town helps! We pick up food waste from the Grand, the Youth Center, and one of the assisted living places.

Goats (does)-3
Goats (doelings)-2
Goats (bucks)-2
Goats (bucklings)-1
Goats (wethers)-4
Sheep (ewe lambs)-3
Sheep (ram lamb)-1
Sheep (wether lamb)-1
Turkey chicks-9
Fertilized eggs-12

Sunday, August 9, 2015


Mushrooms are growing! We have about a half a dozen of them so far.

These are wine cap mushrooms planted in a bed of compost, topped with hard and soft wood chips.

Wednesday, August 5, 2015


We've had a broody hen the past few weeks. We are, however, short a I went in search of some fertile eggs. Was able to get some yesterday and tucked them under her. She was on them still yesterday evening and this morning.
She seems happy as a clam!

Tuesday, August 4, 2015


Well, we got a dozen fertile eggs today to hopefully bring contentment to our broody hen, Henrietta.

We didn't candle them or anything, from my (limited) experience candling brown eggs is difficult.
I keep forgetting to ask the lady I bought them from what chicken breeds she has-although it is readily apparent that she has Easter Egg chickens (aka Araucana) and then a brown egg layer.

So 21 days from now we should have some new chicks! addition to the ones that we bought from the hatchery that are supposed to be delivered next week... I wish that I had realized how broody Henrietta was a month ago when I ordered chicks!!

Wednesday, July 22, 2015


Pigs are growing!

We are only on our third bag of pig grower...but we get anywhere from 3-5 buckets of food waste (fondly known as "slop" :) ) from local eateries.

Monday, July 13, 2015


Processed some apples today; had two 5-gallon buckets partially full of yellow delicious apples. Have a gallon and a half of apple sauce, a gallon of apple juice, and about two dozen apples left. I should have kept after it, but chores beckoned!

Simmered the apples to soften them and then ran the apples through a Victorio. My husband and I purchased ours about 17 years ago. It has processed a lot of apples and tomatoes over the years. I keep meaning to get a additional strainers for it, but I haven't done so yet.

The garden is coming along fairly well; yellow squash starting, a few jalapenos, onions, turnips, and beets are all growing well. Peas and beans are just starting to put on!

Friday, July 10, 2015


The duck hut is about 3/5 of the way finished. The sides and the back wall are just about finished.

Front wall is 3' tall. Back wall is 1' tall. The hut will be 6' by 4'. That will give us 24 square feet. The recommended space is 3 square feet per duck, so we should be good with our 6 mallard ducks and single pekin!

Saturday, July 4, 2015


Put in three berms in a little bowl that is west and uphill from our spigot. Planted grapes, strawberries, and herbs on them.

The rabbits have been very excited about fresh produce in their backyard. I do think that most everything will come back.

Hilled the potatoes.

Squash is starting to bloom...but only one plant. I don't know if an individual plant will produce both male and female blossoms... :/ hmmmmmmmmm

We are up to 5 lambs; 3 ewe lambs, 1 ram lamb, and 1 whether. Picked up Mater from the butcher and made lamb burgers last night. Yummy!!!

Monday, June 22, 2015


Planted two more beds today (tomatoes, onions, cabbage, a watermelon, a cantaloupe, and a butternut squash). Wrapped them with chicken wire.

Piled some brush to cover with dirt for planting strawberries (I have a dozen of them to plant). I also have two grape vines, and a few flowers.

Tripp started swim lessons-and he loves them! Yay!!!

Tuesday, June 16, 2015


Turnips are growing.
Built one more garden bed for tomatoes, peppers, and onions.
Ducks are growing-getting quite a bit of feathers... I believe we will have one drake mallard.

Monday, June 8, 2015


Annual rye grass is growing in the backyard and down by the barnyard. Hopefully that will reduce erosion and I can get something more robust and perennials planted.
Replanted the carrot bed and planted more beets and turnips in bed number 1.
Watered the lettuce/spinach/radish bed (and the backyard). Have water running on the garden beds now.


New barn kitten!
Tom seems to love it here. He is about 8 weeks old and is a cream tabby cat.

Sunday, May 31, 2015


Milk and egg production is down. Hope it is just due to the recent changes and that everything sorts itself out soon!

Started on some cloth napkins. I have 8 of them 3/4 of the way done (have to turn and sew the last side-if I had more time, I would sew all the way around the outside, and I may still) and I have finished 3 of them...yeah, 11, an odd number, but that is what I was able to get out of a full flat sheet. I should check the dimensions on other sheet sizes, see what ends up with the least amount of waste.


Picked up 6 mallard ducklings and 1 runner duckling. They are about 1 month old and are starting to get their feathers. They are the cutest things! They peep...who knew?!


Well, as bum lambs will do, 2 of them died. We still have Debbie and Bettie. They are both doing really well.

The goat kids took the bottle for the most part. Jack is a little confused about the whole drinking thing though! :)


Bought 4 ewe lambs today. Abbie, Bettie, Callie, and Debbie. They are Suffolk/Merino crosses. $10 from the Newman's out by Musselshell.

Monday, May 25, 2015


Burned goat kid horns today. Burning at 30 days is definitely better than 2 weeks.

Monday, May 18, 2015


Cheddar cheese is on the cheese mats and being salted daily for a few days.
Bondon is good. Had some on crackers and then added some to a pasta dish.
Made some Queso Blanco and then chopped it up and put it in burritos.

Saturday, May 16, 2015


When you have had a busy day and you just want a sweet little something...


Making Yorkshire puddings (for brunch) today. Recipe from:

I put a little pepper, salt, and basil in. I am going to scramble eggs to serve in the puddings....


Planted 4 raised garden beds. Mostly turnips, beets, and carrots. Also planted zucchini, yellow squash and cantaloupe.


Made a batch of cottage cheese. Verdict from the cottage cheese eater...bland. I rinsed the curds, next time I will try it without rinsing the curds.


Moved two old garden beds down to the mushroom spot. Took one load of compost up to them. Need a few more inches of compost and then will spread wood chips. We bought some hardwood chips from PetSmart (Aspen wood). We will mix this about 50% with pine shavings.

Friday, May 8, 2015


Well, I've been getting back in gear!

It is raining, so not much outdoor work going on... Thankful for the rain though!

Yesterday picked up some wood to build the mushroom beds. The mushroom spores are due any day now.

Made a batch of Queso Blanco yesterday. Seasoned it with garlic and Mexican seasoning and then lightly fried it. Sliced it into wedges and put it on sandwiches, yum!!!!

Made a batch of yogurt as well-that did not do so well, it did not set up. Still struggling with goat's-milk yogurt.

Thursday, April 30, 2015


Ok, my mushroom spores are due next week.

Between getting sick and goats kidding, I haven't prepared as I had hoped.

So, I am going to build two beds, 4'x6'. I am going to dump some compost (primarily straw and goat manure) in the bottom, then a layer of wood chips (if I can find hardwood chips, or straw if I can't), and then dampen everything down...

Tuesday, April 28, 2015


Banded Brownie, Peep, and Jack this evening. They didn't think too much of that...poor guys. :/

Purchased a load of top soil from the dump this evening. They take all of the plant debris and compost it. There is a little bit of trash in the dirt, about a dozen pieces of trash in a pickup bed full of dirt, so not bad really...especially for pretty good dirt, that only costs $5, or would be free if I had loaded it my self. Used that to plant the potato beds (4), and to top off two of our other garden beds.

So, need to get some more Gebhardt wood. We need to make our beds one more board width taller, and really need to make a few more beds...and need to have it all done by mid-May. whew...busy, busy.

Monday, April 27, 2015


Well, today was the first day that all goat kids were in the goat lot. They seemed to have handled the day fairly well... This is also the first night that they are all separated from moms.

Moved one more garden bed today.


Well, it started raining Friday evening and it rained most of the day.

Volunteered with the Roundup Restoration Committee this morning. The rain kept so many people home...

Ran over to Harlow to listen to another cousin, Larry Brasen, play with the Missouri Mudcats. Lots of good music and another good time!


Well, didn't get much work done today, headed off to Billings for the day.

Oil change and lube at the Dodge dealership.

Haircut for me.


Very cool evening listening to my cousin Leonard's band, "Nothin Yet Trio" at Yellowstone Valley Brewing Co. The band includes my cousin's son, Ben, and their friend. That evening they were accompanied on the drums by the husband (Kerry) of another cousin, Laura,...and my cousin Leonard's daughter joined in on vocals.
Visited with family and enjoyed the music!

Thursday, April 23, 2015

Recipe: Pasta Broccoli with Ham

Pasta Broccoli with Ham

pkg pasta
med head broccoli florets
1 cup cooked ham
oz mushroom slices
3 tbsp olive oil
2 tsp black pepper
2 tsp garlic
oz cream cheese

Boil pasta according to directions, add broccoli florets and ham during the last two minutes of cooking time.
Sautee mushrooms in 1 tbsp olive oil.
Drain. Return to stove top on low heat.
Add 2 tbsp olive oil, black pepper, garlic, mushrooms and cream cheese. Toss until cream cheese has melted.

Other suggested additives:
Olives (black or green)
Sun-dried tomatoes


Recipe courtesy of:

In the process of making a cinnamon-honey paneer. The consistency can be pretty soft to rather stiffer. I only let it drain for about 15 mins.
Forgot to get a picture, but ds and I tried it out on is pretty good! Kind of like a flavored cream cheese...wish I had some bagels made!

Dehorned Bob and Bill today. We use a hot iron to do this. I have read articles about using c-bands, and such...not sure what is best for the goat~just know that horns don't really work for us. The extension cord (which I thought might be bad, because the tank heater that was plugged into it this winter quit working) quit working...I know it was working, because I could feel and smell the heat. I tested it, and then went to get Bob. Got back with Bob, put him in the goat box, and applied the iron...nothing...well, almost nothing...not enough definitely. It was hot-barely hot enough to burn his hair, but not hot enough to do anything. Poor kid...I felt horrible. Changed cords, tried to placate Bob (in the box) while the iron was re-heating. tbh, I don't know if I got Bob's very well, but I think I got Bill's okay... we'll see... :/
This website has good photos of how to dehorn. My dh added a chin shelf to our goat box, that really helps in keeping the kid's head in the right place.

Wednesday, April 22, 2015


Ok, so I am going to be putting in my cheese culture almost a gallon of milk this morning. That was off of 2 (of our 3) does. We are doing milk sharing, and it seems to be working well for them, and us.
Looking forward to cheese season again!

I have always ordered from New England Cheesemaking Company at: and have been happy with the quality, prices, and customer service.
smile emoticon

Tuesday, April 21, 2015


Got a load of hay in today.

Put Brownie, Blackie, and Sniffy out in the sunning pen. Iris, Bob, and Bill are in the goat lot. We left Emily Elizabeth, Peep, and Jack in the barn, but left a door open for fresh air.

Remember the soil texture test that I started? Here are the results:

89% sand
.07% silt
.04% clay
So, we have sandy loam. We actually have more organic matter in our soil than we have clay or silt.

Monday, April 20, 2015


And...we are done kidding...

Peep (out of Emily Elizabeth)

  Jack (out of Emily Elizabeth)

4-h this evening, ds did a presentation on leatherwork and the necessity of dampening your leather before you stamp it.

Cleaned out the barn for Emily Elizabeth, so have just about finished the second compost windrow....wish things would quit going poooooooooooooooooooooo


Praise the Lord! Today was a wonderful day to worship at Harvest Church.

Came home and took some pictures!

Tripp holding Blackie (out of Sniffy)

 Blackie and Brownie (out of Sniffy)

Saturday, April 18, 2015



When we put Bill and Bob out in the goat lot this morning, I noticed that Sniffy was looking around for babies...and I thought, uh oh! 
smile emoticon

After breakfast, laundry, and a walk, we headed down to the barnyard to work on compost windrows. I asked Tripp on our way down to the barnyard if he wanted to see the new babies, he looked at me like I was crazy, "We don't have any new babies..."

Well, we had new babies! a brand new little baby girl (Brownie) and a baby boy (Blackie). Mom and babies are all doing well. I didn't have my camera, so no pix yet..
And in other news!
After we got them settled and did some work, we took the bicycle across the road to the field and, I've gotta' tell ya', Tripp is doing awesome on his bike!!!!

Have modified the Irish 8-piece cap pattern, added length to the panels. Will get that stitched together tomorrow or Monday.

Friday, April 17, 2015


Well, we haven't been doing much small farm, homestead activities...we've been teaching our ds how to ride his bicycle! And he has been successful! YAY!

I have continued to work on hauling manure out of the horse lot.

We have lost one more we are down to seven. I need to build a small chick nursery and get an order of chicks from Murray McMurray Hatchery. We have always purchased day old chicks from Murray McMurray Hatchery...except for last year. We purchased about 8 week old chicks from someone local. I don't know what the difference has been, but we have NEVER had these types of problems with raising chickens. So, yeah, back to!

We have been infested with fruit-fly like flies...ugh. We made fruit fly traps with jars, paper cones, red wine vinegar and banana butter. Put the red wine vinegar and the banana butter in the bottom of the jar, make a paper cone-wide enough to cover the mouth of the jar, short enough to keep it up out of the red wine vinegar. Lots of success.

Tuesday, April 14, 2015


Second day with the goat kids out. They seem to be doing fine with it.

The broccoli sprouts continue to grow-reaching above the pot rims now.

Busy day doing business paperwork, and taking care of Cub Scout tasks.

Blustery cool weather, however, we haven't heard any thunder (yay-no lightening!) and no rain so far.

Yellow Squash Fritters
1 yellow squash, shredded
3-4 mushrooms, chopped
2 T olive oil
1 egg
1/2 - 1 cup flour

Sautee squash and mushrooms in 1 tablespoon olive oil. Remove vegetables from frying pan. Place vegetables in mixing bowl. Add additional tablespoon of olive oil to frying pan, adjust to medium heat.

Add egg, salt, and pepper to the vegetables. Add enough flour to form fritter batter that is no longer damp, but is not dry.

Drop by mixing spoon into frying pan. Fry on each side until lightly browned.

Serving suggestions: sour cream, salsa, pico de gallo, hot sauce,

Monday, April 13, 2015


Unloaded the hay from the trailer today.

Moved the Bob and Bill (13 day old goat kids) out into the goat pen with their mom for the day. Checked on them mid-day and they seemed to be doing fine. Certainly enjoying the additional room for romping and frolicking! Locked them in the barn this evening so that we can continue "milk sharing". I am taking almost a quart off of the doe in the mornings. We certainly won't be making cheese anytime soon at that rate, but it is nice to have milk for the table...

Did a soil texture test today. Did this test on the soil naturally found on our property. Followed this test format:

Still waiting for the last of the sediment to settle out. The results so far indicate heavy sand percentage. Will post actual results upon completion.

Did a simplistic pH test as well. Did this test on the soil in our raised garden beds (purchased top soil and home-composted materials (straw, hay leavings, and manure). Followed this test format:

The results were not surprising...we have alkali soil! :)

Sunday, April 12, 2015


Well, it was dh's birthday today. He usually enjoys spice cakes, and I thought I found a good recipe with this cardamom cake...

I topped it with a white frosting, which I added coffee, cinnamon, and cloves to. A sprinkling of flaked coconut on the top and drizzled with caramel! Tbh-the jury is still out. I would like to make it again and take it out of the oven may 2 mins earlier. It was a little dry...but it used European temperatures and cake pan sizes, so might have miscalculated a bit.

Also celebrated our ds's birthday-we got him a slackline, some folfing discs, and a tetherball. Our outdoor adventure areas are definitely blossoming!

Have a line on some free raspberry plants, roses, and snowberry bushes. Hopefully that will pan out. :)

Checked the seeds and we have some broccoli sprouts started!! Yay!

Our last two does look like they are about to pop...but no additional goat kids yet.

Thursday, April 9, 2015


Milked our goat this morning! Neither the kids (Bill and Bob) nor the mom (Iris) were really upset this morning, even after being separated all night.

I only took about a quart of milk from her, and then let the kids in with her. She was NOT very interested in letting them drink...but I had saved half of her grain ration and gave it to her in the pen with the kids. Checked on everybody a few hours later and the two little guys seem to be getting something to drink from her.

DS is VERY excited to be back in the goat milk season. He loves goats milk... :)

Speaking of goats milk-I need to put together an order for cheese cultures... :) I will probably do some comparison shopping this evening and get an order figured out.

After a light breakfast, we cleaned out the sunning pen; 4 wagon loads up onto a new compost windrow. I am going to take some annual ryegrass down with us when we do chores this evening and lightly sprinkle it in the area, and let it be for 3 or 4 days and then on nice days Iris and the boys can go out and get some sun and have a bit more space.

We started some seeds indoors: 18 Cour De Boeuf cabbage; 16 Calabrese Broccoli; 16 Rutgers Tomato and 3 each of Jalapeno, Bullnose, Hugarian, Cayenne, Anaheim, and Purple Beauty. The potatoes are chitting and I will see if I can find some dirt to put them in next week. The seeds were all from Baker Creek Heirloom Seeds at:

Wednesday, April 8, 2015


Continuing to work on cleaning manure out of the horse lot.

Fixed the wagon so that manure and soil won't sift through the bottom. Speaking of a wagon-I have to tell you this wagon (pic and supplier below) has a wheel barrow beat, hands down! One of the best farm/yard hand tool investments we've made.

Separated Iris from Bill and Bob this evening. Will be milking her in the morning. :)

Oh, and because we have to...taxes are done!

Tuesday, April 7, 2015


Moved one more garden bed today. Last year we overcompensated for having lived in an area that the sun beat down mercilessly... So, we are moving the 6 garden beds, and probably adding another 6 this year. Would also like to invest in frost guard or else in walls-of-water...decisions decisions!
The compost is looking really nice.
I need to buy some more wood from Gebhardts to increase the depth of the raised beds. Last year we had 8" of depth, and we are increasing it to 12" this year.
Received the order confirmation about the mushrooms! They will ship around May 4th.

Monday, April 6, 2015


A joyous Easter it was! What a relief that there is hope! I love our current church (Harvest Church in the Heights, Billings, MT)!!!

I finally did it! We've been talking about growing mushrooms for years. I finally ordered some mushroom spores...Wine cap mushrooms! 

Short post today-didn't do much "extras" as it was a Holy Day.

Saturday, April 4, 2015


Yesterday was a trip to the big city of Billings...

Attended the Good Friday stations of the cross at Harvest was very good.

We have chickens, so have colored eggs! Mostly browns, peaches, and blues and greens. However, in honor of the season, we dyed Easter eggs this evening! We used:, didn't have to buy a kit! yay!!!

No new goat babies! Bill and Bob have been gaining weight and getting more active.

Built a bookcase for ds's room. It is so nice to have that done! Six shelves, and there is tons of room nice instead of piles of books! :) I thought I had enough backing for the whole bookcase...but I didn't... :( I will have to buy some more and pull it out and re-back it. Also, hoping to paint it-but it was going to sprinkle tonight, so instead of painting it and having it outside in the rain...we'll have to pull the bookcase out and paint it one of these nice days.

Also made homemade baked egg rolls. Tasted very good!

Egg Rolls
1# ground pork
2 tbsp olive oil + oil for pan
1/2 head of cabbage, shredded
1/2 c carrots, chopped
1/2 large onion, chopped
1/2 tbsp ginger
1 clove garlic, minced
1/2 tsp black pepper
1 tbsp everything bagel mix (garlic, onion, sesame seeds, poppy seeds)
14 egg roll wrapper
1/4 c flour

Brown ground pork in 2 tbsp olive oil. Add cabbage, carrots, and onion. Add ginger, garlic, black pepper, everything bagel mix.
Preheat oven to 325
Lightly oil jelly roll pan.
Mix flour with enough water to make a slightly runny paste.
Place egg roll wrapper with one point facing towards you.
Put 1/3 cup of pork mixture into egg roll wrapper.
Fold the point closest to you up over the pork mixture. Fold the left and right corners in towards the center. Lightly rub flour paste on remaining corner and along the exposed edges. Continue to roll the egg roll wrapper.
Place the egg roll, seam down, on the pan.
Lightly oil the tops of the egg rolls.
Bake for 18 minutes.

The picture isn't the greatest...learning the whole food photography thing! :)

Thursday, April 2, 2015


Picked up hay today.
Bill and Bob are doing really well. I think Bob is going to end up with a little bit of brindle to him, but either way they are both really cute.
No new goat kids today!
When we pulled in the drive after dropping off the hay trailer, we saw turkeys!!!

Downside to turkeys in the yard? Had to wash the dog...he rolled in...well, yeah... :(
As we were filling the water trough by the hydrant, I saw deer tracks as well...

Wednesday, April 1, 2015


New baby goats! Two bucklings born today. Bill is doing really well. Bob is feeling better now that he has some of his mama's colostrum in his tummy. 

Mom Is Iris, a purebred Nubian. 66% chance dad is purebred Nubian...or else he is mostly Nubian with a splash of Toggenburg.

So, finished cleaning out the barn!!! Laid fresh straw in the goat shed as well.

Off to get hay tomorrow.

Tuesday, March 31, 2015


Continue to work on cleaning out the barn and horse lot. Embarrassingly enough, the barn is not that large-this chest congestion and straw dust just don't I take a wagon load or two out every morning at the end of chores.

Our local trash service has had an injunction filed against it-by another trash service...that don't even offer pick-up in our area! So, we have to haul our garbage to the dump...which, shock of shocks, is owned by the county, but run by the suing trash company!

Working our way back into the routine of life...we sat in vain last night waiting for 4-h to start, and then realized that it was a 5th Monday, not a 1st or 3rd! haha! However, tonight we did have Cub Scouts. It was good to see the scouts again.

Second Irish 8-piece hat is completed!

Monday, March 30, 2015


You may call it a newsboy, a scallycap, a flat cap, or perhaps an Irish 8-piece cap...

The first one, as modeled by my dashing husband:

The second one, just waiting on me to add the liner to it:

I bought the pattern from: ElsewhenMillinery on Etsy.


I have shared my Kitchenaid story before...but will share it yet again...

My mom purchased a Kitchenaid mixer for me for my wedding (even before I met my husband-to-be!)...more than 20 years ago. After many a batch of cookies, and loaves of bread, it quit working  November 2014-just in time for holiday baking. I debated about buying a new one, but I didn't want to think about throwing the other one my mom had died October 2013.

My husband mentioned sending it back into Kitchenaid to get fixed. Well, I wasn't really excited about that, thought it would be a big hassle. Thought, "Yeah, it's like sending your Stanley thermos back in and getting it doesn't ever really happen".

I finally broke down, in January, and called Kitchenaid. For a modest fee (about $35) they sent out a box with styrofoam packing for me to send my mixer to them in. The box came with a packing label, so I didn't have to pay additional shipping. The mixer arrived in Ohio on February 10th. The hardest part about getting it shipped was trying to coordinate a pickup from Fed-Ex! I finally just hauled the box into the city (50 miles away) to the Fed-Ex location.

After a few weeks, I began to wonder if my mixer ever made it to Ohio. So, I called and left a voicemail. I was sure that no one would call me back...but they did! And guess what, they left me a detailed message, not just a "I am returning your call". So, I knew that my mixer was going to be one of the next ones worked on.

Kitchenaid called again to say that the insides of my mixer needed replaced. The charge for that? Less than $60!!! So, for less than a hundred dollars, I have the mixer that my mom gave me...and it still works-20 years later.

So, here is my new-again mixer and some of it's wonderful work completed!

That, btw, is a King Arthur Flour Class White Sandwich Bread recipe:

A few variations: I use milk instead of water and powdered milk, and I use olive oil instead of melted butter.