Thursday, April 23, 2015


Recipe courtesy of:

In the process of making a cinnamon-honey paneer. The consistency can be pretty soft to rather stiffer. I only let it drain for about 15 mins.
Forgot to get a picture, but ds and I tried it out on is pretty good! Kind of like a flavored cream cheese...wish I had some bagels made!

Dehorned Bob and Bill today. We use a hot iron to do this. I have read articles about using c-bands, and such...not sure what is best for the goat~just know that horns don't really work for us. The extension cord (which I thought might be bad, because the tank heater that was plugged into it this winter quit working) quit working...I know it was working, because I could feel and smell the heat. I tested it, and then went to get Bob. Got back with Bob, put him in the goat box, and applied the iron...nothing...well, almost nothing...not enough definitely. It was hot-barely hot enough to burn his hair, but not hot enough to do anything. Poor kid...I felt horrible. Changed cords, tried to placate Bob (in the box) while the iron was re-heating. tbh, I don't know if I got Bob's very well, but I think I got Bill's okay... we'll see... :/
This website has good photos of how to dehorn. My dh added a chin shelf to our goat box, that really helps in keeping the kid's head in the right place.

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