Thursday, April 9, 2015


Milked our goat this morning! Neither the kids (Bill and Bob) nor the mom (Iris) were really upset this morning, even after being separated all night.

I only took about a quart of milk from her, and then let the kids in with her. She was NOT very interested in letting them drink...but I had saved half of her grain ration and gave it to her in the pen with the kids. Checked on everybody a few hours later and the two little guys seem to be getting something to drink from her.

DS is VERY excited to be back in the goat milk season. He loves goats milk... :)

Speaking of goats milk-I need to put together an order for cheese cultures... :) I will probably do some comparison shopping this evening and get an order figured out.

After a light breakfast, we cleaned out the sunning pen; 4 wagon loads up onto a new compost windrow. I am going to take some annual ryegrass down with us when we do chores this evening and lightly sprinkle it in the area, and let it be for 3 or 4 days and then on nice days Iris and the boys can go out and get some sun and have a bit more space.

We started some seeds indoors: 18 Cour De Boeuf cabbage; 16 Calabrese Broccoli; 16 Rutgers Tomato and 3 each of Jalapeno, Bullnose, Hugarian, Cayenne, Anaheim, and Purple Beauty. The potatoes are chitting and I will see if I can find some dirt to put them in next week. The seeds were all from Baker Creek Heirloom Seeds at:

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