Wednesday, July 22, 2015


Pigs are growing!

We are only on our third bag of pig grower...but we get anywhere from 3-5 buckets of food waste (fondly known as "slop" :) ) from local eateries.

Monday, July 13, 2015


Processed some apples today; had two 5-gallon buckets partially full of yellow delicious apples. Have a gallon and a half of apple sauce, a gallon of apple juice, and about two dozen apples left. I should have kept after it, but chores beckoned!

Simmered the apples to soften them and then ran the apples through a Victorio. My husband and I purchased ours about 17 years ago. It has processed a lot of apples and tomatoes over the years. I keep meaning to get a additional strainers for it, but I haven't done so yet.

The garden is coming along fairly well; yellow squash starting, a few jalapenos, onions, turnips, and beets are all growing well. Peas and beans are just starting to put on!

Friday, July 10, 2015


The duck hut is about 3/5 of the way finished. The sides and the back wall are just about finished.

Front wall is 3' tall. Back wall is 1' tall. The hut will be 6' by 4'. That will give us 24 square feet. The recommended space is 3 square feet per duck, so we should be good with our 6 mallard ducks and single pekin!

Saturday, July 4, 2015


Put in three berms in a little bowl that is west and uphill from our spigot. Planted grapes, strawberries, and herbs on them.

The rabbits have been very excited about fresh produce in their backyard. I do think that most everything will come back.

Hilled the potatoes.

Squash is starting to bloom...but only one plant. I don't know if an individual plant will produce both male and female blossoms... :/ hmmmmmmmmm

We are up to 5 lambs; 3 ewe lambs, 1 ram lamb, and 1 whether. Picked up Mater from the butcher and made lamb burgers last night. Yummy!!!