Sunday, March 29, 2015


Went to Billings yesterday, very windy. Saw smoke from the Shepherd fire. Heard of fires at Musselshell, Park City, and Red Lodge as well. Very dry winter and spring. Hope for rains and conscientious neighbors.
Got Tripp a new pair of boots, Ariat. His last boots were Ariat and they seem to last pretty good for him. Going to try to get into the habit of oiling boots the first Saturday of the month. But, for now, all boots in the house are oiled.
Bought 15# of annual rye grass. Too windy today to plant out in front of the house. Ryegrass is a cold weather grass, so it will grow in the cooler spring weather. Once it starts, I might use the seed that we bought from Northern Seed, to build in a perennial grass as well.
Horses are starting to shed.
Day of rest so no extra work today-so didn't work on the barn or the horse lot.
Watered the grass seed. Wish it would warm just a bit...
Fed the birds; usually see chickadees, nuthatches, and a fluffy woodpecker.
Looked through material to make a purse and some hats for Yancy. Don't really have great material here for either of those. I have some jeans to cut up for Yancy's hat though. I may cut jeans up this afternoon while watching a bit of tennis. I am sure he would like at least one new hat when he gets home this coming weekend.
No big plans for Easter. Church, and then Yancy mentioned grilling-so perhaps buy some steaks this week?
Perhaps a trip to Wyoming the first part of April to get a boat and a truck bed full of stuff?

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